Brand strategy, concept development, visual identities, key art, trailers, live action, dev diaries, the works…
Brand Strategy – Who do you want to be?
We have breathed life into new brands and rejuvenated old ones in the media and entertainment sector for more than 10 years. The cornerstone of any brand is a concise, creative and consolidated brand position. We can help you find yours.
Together with our trusted partners we are also able to provide the integrated market research and brand strategies required to support the launch of new global brands in media and entertainment.

Visual identity – Who do you want to be?
Once you know what you want to say and who you want to talk to you are going to need to work out how you are going to say it! And a logo, you are definitely gonna need a logo.
Creating stunning visual identities for entertainment brands has been our bread and butter for over 15 years, but the fun does not stop at the logo. You are going to need a thorough brand book to get your through the hard times and performance marketing requirements with your brand consistency intact.

Concept Development
It all starts with an idea. Or three ideas. Then you have to pick. Sometime’s that’s hard. But killing your darlings is all part of the business…
A blank page is never really blank. There is always a customer with a need and a client who wants to fuflfill a promise. That is where we start all our concepts, elbows deep in the strategy and the brief. Its our starting point for original creativity. We don’t see the brief as a limitation on our ideation, we see it as our liberation.
From there its a short hop skip and a jump to scripts, storyboards too animatics and beyond!

Key Art – Who do you want to be?
Iconic, memorable and striking. Killer key art is cornerstone of any campaign.
We like to start early when we develop key art with a slew of concepts and sketches that evolve iteratively into a stunning final piece that will carry your campaign into new frontiers…
Live Action
Our Producers and Directors have shot all over the world, on set and on location for short form commercial productions and long form for film and TV.
Live action is a powerful tool for any campaign, our team are masters of weaving the dark arts of CGI with the spontaneous improvisation that sometimes you can only find on set.
Long Form
Getting your passionate team in front of an equally passionate film team leads to great things.Video dev diaries, mini documentaries and behind the scenes content are a great way to engage with your community.
With years of experience from film and TV production we love to thread the needle of authenticity and production value into authentic slices of long form content.